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Shout it from the rooftop!

 Sorry for the lack of posts, but here in Romania it's raining non-stop, so we cannot take any pictures. We can barely pull off any nice outfits that can resist this tricky weather because it is pretty hot compared to the fact that it's raining all day long. Honestly, Kinga is having her exams this period so that is why she doesn't have the time for blogging, and me , well I cannot seem to find any outfit that can cope with this weather and that I would like to share with you.These days I am wearing a pair of jeans, a top, a raincoat/umbrella, and a pair of shoes that I am not afraid of ruining. But I promise, this week you will see amazing outfits, because I am finishing High-School so Prom day is coming! :)

Hope you are having a fashionable day!

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