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Where has the time gone?  The Gentle Reader has told me that it's already the second week of June.  The third week of June starts tomorrow.  And July is getting closer and closer.  So essentially, the year 2013 is almost halfway finished.  There's roughly six more months left before the year 2013 is ended and the year 2014 is started.  I thought I had more time at my disposal before the year 2013 is halfway finished, but time insisted on racing by anyway.  And so here I am looking at the calander that I summoned up using www.yahoo.com.  The hours, days, weeks and months just fly by and we're all passengers in the passages of time.  I'm still not ready for the year 2014, but that year will soon be upon me sooner than I would think.  At any rate, it's a hot Summer day and it's June.  I know that Summer won't last forever, but I'm enjoying the Summer as long as it's here.
And as I'm lost in thought in the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of Reese Witherspoon.

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