Whew!! I have been really busy lately! Which is a great thing. We are beginning the height of our growing season here and have lots of stuff coming in from the garden now. So, you know that means picking, canning, freezing, drying and so on.
Most of the garden is doing well but some things got off to a real slow staart, like the tomatoes and okra. We've had plenty of rain! But that's makes for not so much sunshine...at that slows down some veggies. We are finally starting to get a little of everything now.
I guess I put this up mainly for the little birds! They are about the only ones that ever see it! The little phoebes and bluebirds have been working their little hearts out this year though...catching lots of bugs for me.
I think we will have a much better corn crop this year. We added amendments to this plot all winter long and it seems to have helped a lot. Can't wait for some fresh, hot buttered corn on the cob!!
Just a little sampling of what we are getting so far.
We also did a bit of landscaping while we had the neighbor's backhoe. This area was really lumping and horrible; filled with rocks and stumps. It was about impossible to mow, so I had Allen dig up all the stumps and grade everything. We also expanded the little wet weather stream bed and I am slowly lining it with flat rocks to make it more attractive when it's dry. It looks pretty nice actually but this photo isn't very good. The edges are lined with irises in places.
We also cut out several old, crappy trees and expanded the cleared area, which you can't really seee here. We intend to plant another apple tree and possibly a plum and cherry.
My annual row of zinnias in the garden is finally blooming! There are a few other flowers mixed in but the zinnias kinda dominate.
Thank you for all the kind comments in the last post. I wanted to respond here to a couple of the last ones made, so to be sure they would be seen. And also, please, please note this: my blog is set so that all comments made after 3 days of the post publishing, must be moderated by me. I have to physically post them. Blogger does NOT always tell me when some people comment. I don't know why. So....I don't always know that I a comment has been left unless I go to the blog dashboard and check specifically for that. I forget to do this frequently because not a lot goes on here anymore. I recently discovered a comment from last year!! that I never knew about and never published! I would never skip a comment on purpose (unless the person was just being a total and complete, useless ass in their comment), so if this ever happens, please know it is not on purpose. My memory is just not what it was and sometimes I forget to look.
Since March the doctor has had me trying a couple of different meds and dosage amounts etc. and it's had me all over the place at times. But that's just natural. They have to try lots of different things for each person to find the right combo. Anyway, he doubled my dose of Mirapex lately and I had a very bad reaction to that and went I dropped back down to my low dose it seemed to throw me in a another horrible direction! It was quite unpleasant. So, after wrangling around with the cost of another drug (there was no way I could begin to afford it) he put me on a very, very low dose of Sinemet. This is actually helping a lot and I feel much better. I still have a lot of pain and stiffness but the brain fog is better and just feeling more like doing things and with a better outlook. My skin has cleared up great and doesn't hurt all the time and I can swallow food easily now.
Tammy asked about a support group and I have looked into that. Unfortunately, there is only one anywhere around me and that's at UAB, of course. On a good day... UAB is at least 45 minutes away, usually 50-60 minutes, so that's not really something that would work well. I still don't often feel "clear" or "on" enough to drive in Birmingham traffic. If you've ever been or lived here you'll know what I mean! lol! So. I did find a good online support group though, that I like very much and is very helpful. So, that allows me some contact with folks that truly understand my condition. They are very encouraging and a lot of them have some pretty wicked sense of humor, so it's fun.
So, that's part of what's going on. Hopefully I will be back soon with some more activity!! I hope you all are enjoying your summer!!
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