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Peru Photo Diary

This post is more of a photo diary than a fashion diary.  I hope you don't mind.  There were lots of great pictures from our trip that I wanted to share.  Lots of colors & textures.  The temperature was considerably cooler in Cusco, and by 'considerably cooler', I basically mean that I died and became an ice cube.  This is also the point in our trip where I rocked a ponytail and never let me hair down again - because our hotel ( and I use this word loosely) did not have hot water.  Well, it actually did have hot water, but it was upon request; a fact we did not find out until our last night there.  All in all, it was a completely memorable trip with lots of great laughs, a total experience. 

Don't forget to enter my giveaway.  There's still a chance to win the Stella & Dot Bardot Bangles!

Turquoise heart shaped paperweight found in an open-air market.

Click here to read the rest of this post!

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