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Random 5 Friday

Welcome!  -  It's time to join Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Random 5 Friday where everyone posts 5 random thoughts/facts about themselves, their family, their pets, or whatever. You get the picture so join in on the fun.

1.  This isn't so random....It's Valentine's Day here in the US (not sure how many other countries celebrate this holiday.  As I've gotten older I've come to realize that V-Day isn't just for couples.  We celebrate this holiday for our entire family.  Love is precious so why not share it with everyone.

2.  Weather is weird!  Earlier this week we had this...

 and then it warmed up to nearly 60 and all melted away. - WEIRD!

3.  My back is still sore from last Saturday's fall.  Oh not as much as it was the first couple of days but geez as you get older it takes longer to get over stuff like that.  I must admit though I was able to bowl on Tuesday and actually had a 184 game.

4.  Does anyone else think it's a bummer to already know the outcome of who wins medals at the Olympics before the event is shown on TV?  Takes all the surprise and fun out of it for me. 

5.  Going to make Apple Crisp today to help celebrate V-Day and my middle brother's birthday which was Wednesday.  He said,  "No presents" for my birthday this year so instead I'm giving them to him for Valentine's Day.

Have a great one everyone and pass some love along.

Cats in order of appearance:  Callie-Jo (our cat),  Fred (the neighbor's cat) and Miss Dottie (our cat).

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