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by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Below are the writing-related links I tweeted last week. The free Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links (now over 12,000) searchable. The WKB recently celebrated its one-year anniversary.

imageSign up for the free monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews:http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 .

Hope everyone has a great week!

Pros and Cons of First and Third Person Point of View: http://bit.ly/zyJ95T

Set the Scene: Scan: http://bit.ly/zJVsn9

Don't Let Multiple-Character Scenes Run Away With You: http://bit.ly/xJCiVs @KMWeiland

Don't tell us she's special. Show us: http://bit.ly/xHDbzx @dirtywhitecandy

Advantages of Writing a Fast First Draft: http://bit.ly/Afr9ax @LyndaRYoung

Tips for looking good for your webcam: http://bit.ly/zJfxvB @rachellegardner

The Perks of Being an Introverted Writer: http://bit.ly/AALyNP @JLeaLopez

Screenwriting vs. Novel Writing: http://bit.ly/ACr5O4

Do You Need Multiple Agents If You Write in Different Genres? http://writerunboxed.com/2012/01/23/untitled/ @ChuckSambuchino

The ABCs of social media: http://bit.ly/AkJnAX @Dana_Kaye for @junglereds

Writing: What Are We Good At? What Can We Improve? http://bit.ly/AcQMzn

What the eDickens? http://bit.ly/wHS33i @thefuturebook

How to get testimonials for your self-pubbed book: http://bit.ly/yLixf7 @JFBookman

How to bring emotion to your plot: http://bit.ly/yQHkXe @LauraPauling

When Do You Need to Secure Permissions? http://bit.ly/wbK6n9 @JaneFriedman

9 free ways to market your book: http://bit.ly/z6hl9e @BryanThomasS

5: Ingredients of Poor Writing: http://bit.ly/xOO9Cl @nicolamorgan

10 Bestselling Books with More Than 80 One-Star Reviews: http://bit.ly/zagJJS @galleycat

The one page synopsis: http://bit.ly/A9Tkb9

5 Tips for Writing an Effective Plot Twist: http://bit.ly/w1JKMp @cometdocs for @writeitsideways

Creativity Tweets of the Week – 01/27/12: http://bit.ly/Azg1Zh @PatrickRwrites

How 1 writer decides who to follow on Twitter: http://ow.ly/8KcCP @AlexisGrant

Best-sellers lists: How they work: http://bit.ly/Asdrbh

Web options for writers: http://bit.ly/yz5Kv7 @sierragodfrey for @roniloren

Tips for Writing Descriptive Passages: http://bit.ly/yifBhU @jamesagard

Writing Secrets of Prolific Authors: http://bit.ly/yDrVF6 @davidmasters

26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts: http://bit.ly/xF2INH @smexaminer

The State of Books in America: http://bit.ly/xwfzgP

The Promise of the Novel: http://bit.ly/wLfYas @Kid_Lit

Thoughts on writing an ongoing series: http://bit.ly/ys3O5e

Responses to rejections: http://bit.ly/Ae21Zp @bookendsjessica

Tips for promoting a pen name: http://bit.ly/yuCkOK

Creating an overall atmosphere of suspicion in a crime fiction novel: http://bit.ly/yEkXRP @mkinberg

Crime fiction in which the innocent confess to the crime: http://bit.ly/wR83FW @mkinberg

Tips for writing a historical novel: http://bit.ly/yALFXC @KristenLambTX

Formulaic Writing: When Craft Books Hinder: http://bit.ly/yWz35j @KatieGanshert

Omniscient POV: Think Like a Writer: http://bit.ly/xTSHf7

Author Branding — You Are Forced To Choose Who You Are: http://bit.ly/zsuWiF @storyfix

5 things about beginnings: http://bit.ly/A6OTtz @donnacooner

30 tips to improve your blog : http://bit.ly/xCFLlC

3 important questions about digital that nobody is asking: http://bit.ly/wp661w

Me, Myself and I – Picking the Right Word: http://bit.ly/z1m3dl @HowToWriteShop

Discovering the Front Story of Your Non-Point of View Characters: http://bit.ly/A0WwAV @janice_hardy

A grandma's advice on writing: http://bit.ly/wOfc8e @VictoriaMixon

How to Raise your Freelance Rates: http://bit.ly/zn843T @JulieBMack

Making our blogs interesting to both writers and readers: http://bit.ly/zTdgBw @MariaZannini

10 Ways to Tell if Your Story Should be a Memoir or a Novel: http://bit.ly/AlfruC

What Makes Ideas Unique? http://bit.ly/wmibAs @DIYmia

General rules of thumb for using exposition: http://bit.ly/w6GsSs @theresa_stevens

2 Qualities Your Protagonist Must Possess: http://bit.ly/wbJnjd

Resources for writers: http://bit.ly/wm8cBX @theskypirate

Tips for writing headlines and hooks: http://bit.ly/zbWj3V @speechwriterguy

How getting acquainted with your protagonist helps with plotting: http://bit.ly/yax9T5

12 People You Should Be Following on Twitter: http://bit.ly/AFm3wJ @AJackWriting

15 Big Little Words: http://bit.ly/xvmfLB @writing_tips

What do you love about your story? http://bit.ly/xK5pZb @mooderino

When Indie Publishing is a Viable Option: http://bit.ly/xYFTB5 @jorobertson29

Submitting your book to review sites: http://bit.ly/xvj8mB @PublicityPixie

Recycling blog topics? 10 ways to keep them fresh: http://bit.ly/AbrYBG @cherylrwrites

Why E-books Are Turning the Library and Publishing Worlds Upside Down: http://bit.ly/AstiYU @scholarlykitchn

On Quirky Character Names: http://bit.ly/yycNND @carleenbrice

If Neither Social Nor Traditional Media Sell Books, What Does? http://bit.ly/yrmkSk @talliroland

Writing fantasy genre stereotypes--alphas, betas, & losers: http://bit.ly/x59JDv @FaithBoughan

Placing Too Much Importance on Passion: http://bit.ly/wOY01y @janefriedman

4 fiction techniques to enliven your blog posts: http://bit.ly/zxw8l3 @problogger

How To Find Original Ideas When You Have None: http://bit.ly/yZDN11 @jodyhedlund

Using Triberr to save time with social media: http://bit.ly/yl85gA @jhansenwrites

The perks of writing groups: http://bit.ly/xTuG4N @queenbeetf

Write Yourself a Bad Review: http://bit.ly/zW268a @KMWeiland for @PatrickRwrites

What polite writers don't talk about: http://bit.ly/z4qWWh @sarahahoyt

1st Person POV: Think Like a Writer: http://bit.ly/xj2uFW

Training creativity: http://bit.ly/zgO36z @AllanDouglasDgn

An Overlooked Secret to Getting Published in a Magazine: http://bit.ly/AhTX9x @jeffgoins

74% Of Book Buyers Have Never Bought An eBook: http://bit.ly/AAgNZS @ebooknewser

The book world discovers the 99-cent special: http://bit.ly/xqJyz0 @passivevoiceblg

44 Hashtags for Writers: http://bit.ly/wLydIy @AuthorMedia

On narrative summary instead of dialogue: http://bit.ly/wM4js3 @theresastevens

Formatting guidelines for your manuscript: http://bit.ly/w2N2X8 @BrianKlems

Alternative desk ideas: http://bit.ly/x2GhW1 @yahighway

Writing Exercises to Recharge Your Creativity: http://bit.ly/xTh8GH @4kidlit

Goodreads won't continue using book info from Amazon: http://bit.ly/xZQk2B @PassivevoiceBlg

77% Of Romance eBooks Being Purchased On Laptop: http://bit.ly/wireNT @ebooknewser

Through the Trapdoor -- JK Rowling's Blueprint for the Harry Potter Series: http://bit.ly/x6mThq @HP4Writers

Preparing for a conference--choosing workshops & staying organized: http://bit.ly/ze4bm8

5 basic plot goals: http://bit.ly/wmGuuX @LiveWriteThrive

Why reader perception is important: http://bit.ly/xMnC0B @noveleditor

10 Hand to Hand Combat Myths That Writers Need To Stop Using: http://bit.ly/xgclqZ @ajackwriting

When You Are A Beginning Writer, The Keyword is Focus: http://bit.ly/yMOTtj

Should I go with an indie ebook pub? An agent answers: http://bit.ly/A1pGQW @rachellegardner

The many stages of editing: http://bit.ly/w4eUML @WriterDeanna

3rd Person POV: Think Like a Writer: http://bit.ly/z8N1WW

Are You Asking - & Answering -the Right Story Questions? http://bit.ly/xyOGkC @janice_hardy

Confusing things about writers: http://bit.ly/wUez7X @deanwesleysmith

Music as inspiration--an undercover soundtrack: http://bit.ly/y6GWCO @mkinberg for @byrozmorris

Cults as story inspiration-- http://bit.ly/xpqw37 @GeneLempp

Tips for Writing a Traditional Murder Mystery: http://bit.ly/AjJrQZ @NicoleBasaraba

Catching Your World on Paper: http://bit.ly/zKl6hD @QueryTracker

Art in writing: http://bit.ly/wH5o3R @Ravenrequiem13

Authors' Checklist of Dos and Don'ts: http://bit.ly/xvtOyw

Perfectionism and Procrastination Busting Tips: http://bit.ly/zNkvIB

The Problem With (Writing About) Immortality: http://bit.ly/zKaqdj @Kid_Lit

What makes a great book beginning: http://bit.ly/w0baiv @TaliaVance

Writing a better flashback: http://bit.ly/zllCEz @AmyJRoseDavis

How to End or Relaunch Your Blog Without Upsetting Your Readers: http://bit.ly/ypYdRd @pushingsocial

The magic & the mundane of in Paris: http://bit.ly/wn3gAQ @originalimpulse

The problem with free: http://bit.ly/xaPIJH @KristenLambTX

4 Techniques for Creating Believable Villains: http://bit.ly/zAvDiz @writersdigest @jamesscottbell

Protecting Your Ideas: http://bit.ly/xqBTOa @DiyMfa

On killing characters: http://bit.ly/A8jYwv @SarahAHoyt

Worldbuilding checklist for alternate social and cultural norms: http://bit.ly/xZMcRf @juliettewade

The Dangers of Switching Genres http://bit.ly/weOtGA @JanetBoyer

Tips for skipping over long periods of time in your story: http://bit.ly/xBfUgr @theresastevens

3 decisions to make about POV: http://bit.ly/w8vN2h @CAMorganti

Why Amanda Hocking Switched: http://bit.ly/yNSE8B @thefuturebook

Self-Editing: Back to Basics: http://bit.ly/z9DGM6 @authorandeditor for @DavidGaughran

Focusing On Detail Is Good, But Remember The Big Picture: http://bit.ly/ysne6u @greyhausagency

How to Choose Between a Big Word and a Small Word: http://bit.ly/wirttp @KMWeiland

No excuses writing: http://bit.ly/xB7bab @jeffgoins

7 Erroneous Reasons Writers Avoid Using Editors: http://bit.ly/w7gb0O @mesummerbooks

Writing on the Ether's @Porter_Anderson features @KristenLambTX @jamesscottbell @amyedel @gluejar @DavidKazzie @jwikert http://bit.ly/zOB88d

Redefining self-pub success, epub bubble, B&N v. Amazon, tips for trad. publishers, ind. news & views: http://bit.ly/zOB88d @porter_anderson

What Chekhov Knew about Sitcoms: http://bit.ly/znhwUg

The Importance Of Distance: http://bit.ly/A0u65A @BryanThomasS

The Empowerment Of Indie Publishing: http://bit.ly/yTOA3i @DavidGaughran for @thecreativepenn

Assure/Ensure/Insure: http://bit.ly/y82Q5I @mesummerbooks

Planning and Researching your novel: http://bit.ly/xSvcaw

Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Book Trailer: http://bit.ly/yL2o8u @JulieCantrell

Should Christian fiction be labeled? http://bit.ly/xfsIc3 @rachellegardner

10 helpful writing articles: http://bit.ly/xJ7Qyu

Tips for preparing a pitch: http://bit.ly/xpGuvF @Beth_Barany

The 5 Emotional Stages of a Book Launch: http://bit.ly/xzTQc0 @roniloren

4 Ways to Bring Your Writing Goals Closer: http://bit.ly/xtxtVw @aliventures

Why Literary Agents Like Amazon Publishing: http://bit.ly/xpKInA @galleycat

The Saga of a Fake Literary Competition: http://bit.ly/wup6Fb @VictoriaStrauss

10 Ways Multi-blog Authors Can Stay Creative and Generate Great Posts: http://bit.ly/yZrPo1 @problogger

"Frenemies" in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/ACr5uL @mkinberg

Build characters with action and motivation: http://bit.ly/wlzyAD @beth_barany

Is All the Hard Work Ever Going to Pay Off? http://bit.ly/zK0IQd @jodyhedlund

The Punk Genres of Fantasy: http://bit.ly/yTR804 @MarshaAMoore

Embracing the (Whole) Writing Process: http://bit.ly/A6Dm8X @writeitsideways

We now have more books published in a week than in all of 1950: http://bit.ly/AstIW4 @ebooknewser

Different Perspectives for Different Audiences: http://bit.ly/xdb7Wt

The Glee Guide to Attracting a Raving Horde of Social Media Fans: http://bit.ly/wa5bDw @bethjhayden

A Bookish Look at the Best Picture Nominees: http://bit.ly/Aalmqw @NewDorkReview

Should you hire a writing coach? http://bit.ly/wyIGNr @cherylrwrites

Is Your Writing Career Missing the Element of Sacrifice? http://bit.ly/yL2m77 @Sagoyizm

How to Use Layers to Enhance Your Plot: http://bit.ly/xCyA0Z @cslakin for @write_practice

An agent advises that clients not oversubmit their work to their agent for crits: http://bit.ly/woCab1 @bookendsjessica

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