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Muddying the waters

Now that Swords & Wizardry White Box is not going to going to be carried by Brave Halfling anymore, there's been a lot of debate as to the fate of WB and Core editions of S&W. There's a lot of talk of changing the names of the editions because of White Box being kind of a klunky name, but I think this is just making things more confusing and will turn people off from S&W. Just in the span of 3 years there have been 6 different variations of S&W.

Personally I use Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia for my go to rules and my game group uses Labyrinth Lord. So I don't really have a dog in this race, but it just seems that S&W is being diluted down.

Brave Halfling S&W Whitebox

Brave Halfling S&W White Box boxed set

1st Edition S&W Whitebox

S&W Complete

S&W Core 2nd ed.

....and 1st ed. Core

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