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Warbases Wednesday #26 - Needle in a haystack

Last week I eluded to some works in progress that have been in the wings of my workbench, amoung the many projects I have to complete for Martin and Diane.

This week I can reveal the full range of master models that I shall be taking with me to Partizan, for moulds to be made and then these will appear in the scenic resin page in the warbases webstore, nof course if they prove popular then they will be available at shows in the future.

So let me begin with the 28mm scale versions:

As you can see there are 10 master models created and they are all different in one way or another, nothing worse than a whole bunch of things that look identical to one another, these have a bit of character. They range in height from approx 34mm to 46mm and widths vary from approx 40mm to 60mm .

Now of course I know you want to see how these match up to figures so here are some of my Napoleonic Berg troops in front and behind  a set of these, as you can see they do the job well. The good thing about these is the fact they work in so many periods and geographic locations of the world.

Now its the turn of the 15mm scale little guys :

One thing I wanted to do was get a similar amount of variation into these as the 28mm versions, I have managed to make them all slightly different . The height ranges from 22mm to 26mm and base width are approx 30mm to 40mm .

This time its the turn of some 15mm Peter Pig Reb's for the in front and behind scale shots.

I hope this gives you a good insight into what is coming very soon, as the range of  resin items expands slowly to enhance your tables.


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