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Zomtober 2018 (Week 2)

Two weeks of Zomtober down, and two minis painted, without the usual mad-rush panic setting in!

Like last week's Zombie, this one is part of my grey suit triad. This one is another Cold War Miniatures Zombie, however, the mini is intended to be a priest, but as the dog collar wasn't too clear i ended up painting him as a suited Zombie. While I was finishing this one off I started on the final triad Zombie, which I hope to finish next week.

Painting all this grey has also helped with a non-Zomtober mini, as I managed to get some work done on one of my range of supers (The Cowl - I hope to finish her this month).

Zomtober 2018 blog roll (click names for links):
  1. Four Colour Super Minis - Rob
  2. Eclectic Gentleman Tabletop Gamer - pulpcitizen
  3. Brummie's Wargaming Blog - Simon
  4. Cheaphammer!!! - Kieron
  5. Miniature Mayhem - Terry Silverthorn
  6. Dizbusters Gaming Ephemera - Phil Curran
  7. The Wargame Addict - The Wargame Addict
  8. Saturday Mornings - Ivor Evans
  9. The Lost and the Damned and the Stunted - Dai
  10. Dead Lead Project - myincubliss
  11. Colgar6 and the Infinite Legion of Toy Soldiers - Colgar6
  12. Anything But a One! - Clint

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