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Weird War Tales #36: "The Pool..." (Russ Heath art)

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Written by Len Wein and Marv Wolfman and sporting artwork by Russ Heath, I first read this cleverly told and beautifully illustrated story in America at War: The Best of DC War Comics (pictured inset), but this story first appeared in Weird War Tales #3 (also pictured) and was later reprinted in Weird War Tales #36, which is what I own and am presenting here.

Russ Heath has been a professional artist for more than sixty years, and in all that time he has rarely drawn a superhero. A first-rate illustrator, Heath is noted for his combat stories, set in various times and climes, and western tales. Over the years Heath has drawn Sgt. Rock, Robin Hood, Kid Colt, Two-Gun Kid, and The Sea Devils.

Heath, in his lighter moments, worked with his friend Harvey Kurtzman on Mad, Humbug, Trump, and Help. He was also part of the team that helped produce Little Annie Fanny for Playboy.

He did some excellent black-and-white work for magazines like Eerie and Blazing Combat. In 1981 he was the artist on the revived Lone Ranger newspaper strip. The masked man and Tonto never looked better, nor their West more authentic, but the strip didn't succeed. Heath resettled in Southern California some years ago to work in animation. In recent years he's been doing comic-book work again.


Script:Len Wein and Marv Wolfman
Pencils and inks :Russ Heath

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