One of the items I got was a bookplate for Simcha Ambache.
He was a Palestinian born consulting engineer with the Suez Canal Co. who raised his family in colonial Egypt.
Mr. Ambache is linked to the creation of modern Israel through the marriage of his two daughters (Suzy and Aura) to Abba Eban & Chaim Herzog.
I have a duplicate copy of this bookplate for possible exchange .
One of the mystery bookplates I got in the exchange is shown below.
Does anyone out there know anything about the owner or the artist?
Robert Gilmore, sent the following information:
I am not an expert in languages, but I believe that the name is in Cyrillic script.
I also believe that it translates as M. Shostakovich.
Maxim Dmitrievich Shostakovich is a Russian conductor and pianist.
He is a child of Dmitri Shostakovich.
He is living and is 74 years of age.
In 1982 he had already a work list of 160 bookplates in wood engraving, plastic engraving, linocut and etching.
Paul Scheltens, sent the following information:
The bookplate for M.Shostakovich is designed by Vladimir Mitsoek (born 1949) who has been making exlibris since 1975.In 1982 he had already a work list of 160 bookplates in wood engraving, plastic engraving, linocut and etching.
of The Louisiana Territory.
Pierre Clément Laussat (1756-1835) was the prefect sent by Napoleon Bonaparte
to New Orleans in 1803 to oversee the transfer of Louisiana from France to the U.S.
His bookplate is Engraved on laid paper. The outside dimensions are 7 x 5 inches.
Laussatt found it necessary to modify his bookplate after the French Revolution,
eliminating symbols associated with his nobility.
He substituted his monogram for the family coat of arms
This bookplate bears his monogram.This also is a duplicate available for possible exchange or sale.
Crawford Burton was a wealthy stock broker and sportsman whose dubious claim to fame was a Camel Cigarette Endorsement ad .This is his beautifully engraved bookplate.
If you are one of those very foolish people who look at electronic devices while driving please pull over to the side of the road before clicking on this link.I don't want to cause an accident because you started to laugh
instead of concentrating on the car in front of you.
See You Next Sunday.
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